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Unveiling the Rarity and Value of Kauri Timber and Furniture


Kauri timber, with its rich history and remarkable characteristics, has gained worldwide recognition for its rarity and expense. In this blog, we will delve into the reasons behind the scarcity and high value of Kauri timber and furniture, exploring the factors that make them so sought after in the global market.

Ancient Origins:

Kauri trees (Agathis australis) are native to New Zealand and have been treasured by the Māori people for centuries. These giants of the forest can live for over 2,000 years and grow to towering heights. However, extensive logging during the early 1800s led to a significant decline in the Kauri tree population. Today, only a few pockets of Kauri forests remain, making the timber increasingly rare and precious.

Unique Qualities:

Kauri timber possesses exceptional properties that set it a part from other species in the world. Its tight grain, rich golden hues, and incredible workability make it a favorite among craftsmen and artisans. Furthermore, Kauri timber has been naturally preserved underground in swamps for thousands of years, resulting in a distinct character and resilience that cannot be replicated.

Time-Intensive Extraction and Preparation:

Due to the limited availability of Kauri timber, the extraction process is challenging and time-consuming. Many logs are unearthed from swamps, requiring careful excavation and preservation techniques to maintain their integrity. Additionally, the drying and milling processes must be executed with precision to retain the timber's exceptional qualities. These labor-intensive procedures contribute to the higher cost of Kauri timber and furniture.

Environmental and Cultural Considerations:

As awareness of sustainability and cultural preservation grows, the demand for responsibly sourced materials has increased. Kauri timber, being a rare and ancient resource, requires careful management and conservation efforts to ensure its longevity. This further adds to its value and exclusivity in the market. There is quite a process to follow when it comes to legally and properly extracting and working with NZ Kauri. This service is done to ensure our land is used sustainably and we are following Kaitiakitanga.


The rarity and expense of Kauri timber and furniture can be attributed to its limited supply, unique qualities, intricate extraction processes, and environmental and cultural significance. Investing in Kauri furniture means owning a piece of New Zealand's history and natural heritage—a testament to the craftsmanship and resilience of both the tree and the skilled artisans who work with it. As we continue to appreciate and celebrate the beauty of Kauri, let us also embrace sustainable practices to protect this invaluable resource for generations to come.

If you would like to invest in a Kauri heirloom piece of furniturte for your home or business, please contact us to start the process. Our service ranges from $400 artworks through to $50,000 tables.

Call Andy today to discuss your project. +6421920271

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